The Adventure: Digging up Dead Bodies
There is something weird about digging up the remains of a human skeleton. It’s like going on a treasure hunt with a wee broom.
Or maybe it’s like trying to find a mummy.
I don’t know. Dead is dead.
So when I was taught the fine art of digging up the dead by Dr. Stan Copp who teaches forensics and archaeology and anthropology, I was thrilled to no end.
I learned how to do a proper dig.
Granted there were a few people who raised their eyebrows, somewhat shocked and confused as to why I wanted to do this in the first place, and even more so, because I enjoyed it so much.
At least I wasn’t burying any bodies, I told them.
It didn’t really matter what I was digging up – whether it be the skeletal remains of someone or buried treasure – it was just so unusual and interesting.
A friend from high school is now a well known archaeologist and teaches at the University of Florida. She travels the world in search of ancient cities, dead bodies, and buried treasure. Without question, her work excites me. To me, she is the incarnate of Indiana Jones.
Interestingly enough, she too, was taught by the very same Dr. Stan Copp.
© Monthly Adventure, Patricia Taylor, October 2014