The Adventure – Colon Hydrotherapy
It’s a crappy story, but someone’s gotta share it.
I decided to try out colon hydrotherapy after my father’s experience with a blocked colon – not to mention the multiple botched surgeries, a colostomy bag, and a few years of suffering.[/quote-float]I was a little startled when I borrowed the colon hydrotherapist’s washroom.
I couldn’t figure out why the shower had a little ‘half’ shower in it. It looked weird with the shower head at waist height, but I really didn’t give it a second thought – it was my first visit and I was feeling more than a little nervous about the situation I was putting myself into.
The colon hydrotherapist forgot to tell me something VERY essential: when you start to feel ‘full’ inside, tell her right away. Imagine what happens when you try to pour two liters into a one liter container.
That’s right.
And I soon found out why that particular type of shower was installed in the bathroom.
How does Colon Hydrotherapy work?
Colon hydrotherapy involves the infusion of warm water into the colon through the rectum while the client lays back on a treatment table.
Once the intestines fill up, the colon hydrotherapist releases the pressure and ‘everything’ evacuates, passing through the colon down the visible clear tube so the client can see the results.
I’m really not going to get into any further details here. I’ll just leave it up to your imagination.
Why should you consider it?
- According to the World Health Organization, cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide and 608,000 colorectal deaths were reported in 2008.
- During autopsies, up to 80% of colons are plugged up from years of waste.
- Constipation is the most common gastrointestinal complain in North America.
- The colon is considered to be the ‘sewage’ system of the human body – and if you don’t clean out your colon, the waste in your body can’t get out.
- With bowel problems, you can get nutritional deficiency – no matter how many vitamins you take or how well you eat.
- If you aren’t ‘eliminating’ properly, fecal matter will build up along the walls or pockets of the colon – which could take months or even years to rectify.
- If the impacted fecal matter remains in your body, it will decay releasing toxins and poisonous gases, spreading throughout the body affecting organs, blood, and tissues.
- If you don’t drink enough water, your stools will dry out and you’ll become constipated.
- An impacted colon can create diverticulosis – and autopsy’s reveal that 30% of all adults have this condition.
So why not do what you can to prevent disease and constipation? Go get cleaned out.
© Monthly Adventure, Patricia Taylor, January 2010