WELL, it’s official…on my 100TH MONTHLY ADVENTURE I will be going on a road trip across Canada.
I will be visiting every single province, including the Northwest Territories and Yukon.
Added to this, I’ll be on a train crossing tundra over to the subarctic region of Churchill, MB, with polar bears and northern lights.
Then there will be all the ferries – one over to Haida Gwaii, one from PEI to Nova Scotia, one from Prince Rupert down the inside passage to Vancouver Island where I will find MILE ZERO of the Trans-Canada Highway…and, of course, the last ferry to Vancouver.
To make this journey completely awesome, I just bought a wonderful van that will magically be convertedĀ into a camper with a kitchen at the back and sleeping/storage in the middle.
And my dad will be joining me on this amazing trip!
In addition to exploring this amazing country I call home, I hope to do talks across Canada at different schools, inspiring young minds to dream big and live life large.
Also, I would do anything to find a way to Nunavut…so if anyone knows how I can get there on a budget, please let me know!!
This IS my 100th monthly adventure.