The Adventure – Homeopathy
There are times in our lives where we overextend ourselves to the point where we become run down, fatigued, sick.
And when that happens, there is very little a medical doctor can offer you – other than to start pushing pharmaceuticals that have more adverse side effects than health benefits.
My adrenals were shot, my female system wonky, and I was getting all sorts of stupid sicknesses I normally would never experience.
A friend of mine had been seeing a Homeopathic doctor, who, incidentally, was also a Medical Doctor and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner.
Talk about the best of ALL worlds. So I signed up to see what would happen.
And the tests he ran described where my health was for the different components of my body. What really hit home for me though, is the fact that his tests actually showed all the issues with my lungs (bronchitis) and liver (antibiotics). To be frank, I had no idea how much harm the antibiotics caused to my liver. It was shocking, actually. And the bronchitis that turned into something not great…well…that was a scare.
After one appointment, I found myself with some of his remedies that were seemingly innocuous – but this was an adventure – and I was game for change.
Over a period of time, I noticed my health changing for the better. And with each appointment, I could see how my health was adjusting.
This might not be the most exciting adventure I’ve had, but it was one that made me VERY happy. For the first time in a long time – I felt my health return. I started waking up easily (which is surprising to this night owl) and my energy levels skyrocketed.
Without I’ve learned that there is more to this world than the Western Medical System. Without question, science limits us…and for those who put 100% stock into this particular system…well, you are missing out. The one thing I love about alternate forms of healing is that
© Monthly Adventure, Patricia Taylor, September 2015